Latest Health & Safety Management System Updates June 2021

Health and Safety Walk

At BCarm, we're always looking to improve and enhance our systems and have made the following updates over the last month. 

Feel free to arrange a 1:1 support webinar to run through what's new.

Risk Assessment review comments

At the end of the risk assessment review process, the user can now enter comments to describe any changes they may have made, as per the screenshot below. The comments entered into the new field will appear on the Review/Edit History page.

Risk Assessment review comments

Setting the task completion date

When marking a standalone task as complete, the completion date can now be specified, as per the screenshot below.  Previously the date was set automatically to the current date.  Please note: it's still not possible to set the completion date for tasks that are linked to another document on the system (such as a risk assessment review/monitoring task or checklist) as these actions will need to be performed before the task can be closed.

Setting the task completion date

Providing multiple attachments when completing checklists

The checklist completion process has been updated so that up to five attachments can be uploaded for each question, where previously only one was supported.  If images are uploaded, these will be displayed on the screen as soon as they have been uploaded.

Training Matrix printing improvements

It's now possible to print the entire Training Matrix to a PDF document.  Previously only the current page displayed on the matrix would be eligible for printing.

Printing document popup

To improve the user experience, when a user chooses to print a document on the system (such as a risk assessment or checklist) they will now see a "generating document ... please wait" message, as per the screenshot below.

Printing document popup

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